My Beautiful Family

My Beautiful Family

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Sabbath Day Light: I love God and His children. That includes you.

There are so many things I could write about today. The Spirit at church was so strong and thick, you could swim in it. From thinking about my purpose to fasting today, to the beautiful testimonies borne by other faithful Saints, to discussing moral courage in Sunday School, to talking about the importance of education, both temporally and spiritually, my heart is full.

I truly left church happy today. I am filled with God's love for me. I am also filled with love for God's children, my brothers and sisters.

I am filled with God's love for me and His children because...

1. He has provided the people of the Hillsborough/Mebane area with a sunny, beautiful new building to worship in. I have seen a new brightness in our congregation that I hope will never dim.

2. The Holy Ghost was visibly present in our meetings to testify of truth and to edify our souls.
3. The Sacrament was administered to us, as it is every week, to allow us to renew our baptismal covenants.
3. God has revealed, through the words of prophets, scriptures to lead us and guide us on the straight and narrow path back to Him. Studying them each week in Sunday School helps me stay on that path.
4. The people in my congregation are all different. They lead different lives, have different struggles and different joys. They have some things in common, though. They have hope and they have faith, because they know they are children of God and that Jesus Christ is their Savior. I felt, and always feel, that knowledge radiate through the countenances of their faces, and light up the whole building.

I am filled with my own love for my brothers and sisters because...

1. I observed how hard they work to fulfill their church responsibilities, simply because they love the Lord.

2. I loved hearing them bear their individual testimonies and share their personal experiences that have brought them closer to Christ. I was truly touched by all who shared.
3. I received help with my children today as different members played with them.
4. I felt appreciation for my testimony as people approached me, thanking me for sharing it.
5. I felt loved as people said hello to me and smiled at me and asked me how I was doing.
6. I had the blessing of meeting some new individuals, who I am excited to get to know.
7. I smiled at my baby being cute, and smiled at the people who smiled at him being cute.
9. I asked how I could help some of my fellow sisters, with a heart willing to serve.
10. I listened to a sister play a song on the piano, and even though she was nervous and made some mistakes, I felt love and appreciation for her for having the courage and desire to share her talents.
11. I happily accepted an assignment to substitute a class.
12. I, without a second thought, offered the use of some of my belongings to a friend.

What I think is so amazing, is that we can feel love for God and for others because of things that touch us, things we see, things we experience, things we study, things others do for us, and also things we do for others.

I am so grateful for this love I feel in my heart right now. I have realized (or re-realized) today, that being judgmental, gossiping, and holding a grudge never bring happiness and light. They never improve or help or uplift. Only by loving, even when it is hard or inconvenient, will change our hearts. It will change the world.


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